
numbness, fatalism, and absolutely no surprise

Steve Hayes:

If don’t have convictions that Trump shouldn’t be president after January 6, you probably don’t have convictions.

Nick Catoggio:

As a Never Trumper, it’s my duty today to be furious at Nikki Haley. Yet I feel nothing…

How angry can one be about this, realistically?

It’s traumatic to watch a “principled conservative” roll over for a proto-fascist out of rote partisanship, but we’ve all gotten used to that particular trauma by now. The anger is spent. Numbness and fatalism are what’s left.


Watching Haley back Trump on Wednesday, I had dark visions of what might be in store for her. In 2028: “J.D. Vance has not been perfect. I have made that clear many, many times. But Gretchen Whitmer would be a catastrophe.” Then 2032: “Tucker Carlson has not been perfect. I have made that clear many, many times. But Josh Shapiro would be a catastrophe.” Or 2036: “Nick Fuentes has not been perfect. I have made that clear many, many times. But Wes Moore would be a catastrophe.”

It’s 2016 forever. The future is delayed, but rest assured that it’s coming.